Information We Collect

We may collect information about you from a variety of sources, including information we collect from you directly; information we collect about you when you visit our sites, perform business transactions with us and information we collect about you from other sources (as permitted by law).

Information We Collect Directly from You

We collect information directly from you when you choose to participate in our offers and programs or otherwise provide information directly to us. The following are examples of information we may collect directly from you:

  • Customer name
  • Card details
  • Account details
  • Phone number
  • E-mail

Information We Collect From Other Sources

We may obtain information about you from other sources, including commercially available sources, such as data aggregators and public databases. The following are examples of information we may collect from other sources:

  • Business information
  • Directors information

How we use this Information

We use the information we collect to manage agreements, process payments, to fulfil our obligations under applicable regulations, and to manage our sites and services. The following are ways we may use the information we collect about you:

  • Business guide purposes
  • Know Your Customer (KYC) purposes

Your Choices and Access to your information

We give you choices about how we communicate with you.

  1. Email
  2. SMS
  3. Phone Call
  4. Hardcopy Letter
We will continue to use the above channels for business communication for the duration of our business relationship. We may need to retain the contact information and email communications for record keeping, analysis or other reasons, to the extent permitted by law.


We take steps to keep your personal information accurate. You can view, correct, or update the personal contact information you provide to GXPay. Contact our Data Privacy Officer to access and update the personal information you provided to GXPay. We will respond to valid requests in an appropriate timeframe.

Information Sharing

We share your personal information only as described below and within GXPay.

Third party Service Providers

We rely on third-party service providers to perform various services on our behalf. To perform these services, we may need to share your personal information with them. For example, we may rely on a service provider to:

  • Deliver our email and mobile messages.
  • Manage payments or take other actions on our behalf.
  • Conduct research and analyze data, sometimes combined with other sources, to improve our products, services, and sites.

We provide these companies with the minimum personal information they need to provide these services on our behalf. We require these companies to protect this personal information and to not use the information for any other purpose.
  • Sale of our brands or business - In connection with the sale of one or more of our brands or a part of our business to a different company, we reserve the right to transfer your personal information to a new owner that agrees to offer equivalent safeguards for the use and disclosure of your personal information.
  • Legal action and obligations - We may disclose your personal information:
  • Where permitted by law, to protect and defend the rights and property of GXPay (including enforcement of valid agreements).
  • When required by law or public authorities.

Information Security

We are committed to keeping personal information secure. We have appropriate technical, administrative, and physical procedures in place to protect personal information from loss, misuse, or alteration. We limit access to personal information to those who have a business need. We keep personal information only for a reasonably needed amount of time. When we provide your personal information to our third-party service providers, we require those companies to protect the information and to not use the information for any other purpose. When we collect or transmit sensitive information such as a credit card number or internet banking password, we use industry standard methods to protect that information.

Information Transfer

Your personal information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in a country other than the one in which it was provided. When we do so, we take into consideration the applicable data protection laws for the transfer of personal information. We take steps to protect personal information no matter what country it is stored in or transferred to.

Changes to our Privacy Notice

We will post changes to this privacy notice and update the effective date when this privacy notice is updated. We may modify this policy at any time, in our sole discretion and all modifications will be effective immediately upon our posting of the modifications.

Data Minimization

GXPay limits Personal Information collection and usage to data that is relevant, adequate, and necessary for carrying out the purpose for which the data is processed. GXPay will evaluate whether and to what extent the processing of Personal Information is necessary and where the purpose allows, anonymized data will be used.

Age Restriction

Our website and services are not directed to children under 18. We do not knowingly transact or provide any services to children under 18.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please send us an email to